Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have taken a break for just a bit from tatting. LOL actually as I was unpacking some boxes of books and organizing them,,, I found the boxes that had the craft books, so of course I had to cruise them. Upon doing so, I found some real treasures. I found some really crochet patterns AND tatting!!!! Well I swore I would NEVER again crochet doilies (actually never did, just did a small round tablecloth). Well since I am now HOOKED on tatting,,,these dainty works of art are just soo pretty (maybe it is just something to do with age heh heh heh).
So next thing I know I am crocheting some doilies. So far I have completed 2 and in about an hour or so will have my third one finish. Along with a nice pretty blister on the side of my thumb.

I'll post the pics in the next day or so.

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